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With Deborah

Progress Is Now!

Deborah Brings Experience and Vision

Public Safety, Affordable Housing, and Safe Streets

I moved to Berkeley in the 80s and began my life as a single mother, entrepreneur, and career community organizer. At that time, along with the backdrop of the breathtaking beauty of the Berkeley Bay shores, South Berkeley, the community that authored the Fair Housing Act of 1964, was struggling with disinvestment, drug dealing, and gun violence.

I knew something had to be done to protect our families, elders, and children, and I jumped in! For the past 30 years, I have worked with South Berkeley residents, Berkeley mayors, Berkeley councilmembers, several Berkeley Commissions, and local businesses to help deliver housing (Parker Place Housing Berkeley  (downtown), The Dwight Apartments (offering a rooftop produce garden), improve health care (Citisport Berkeley (fitness).  John Muir Health | UCSF Health Berkeley Outpatient (establishing medical services)  Berkeley Bowl West (ending the south and west side food desert) and  BioFuel Oasis (offering climate action fuel alternatives), and the construction of the Ed Robert's Campus (serving the needs of people with disabilities). Proudly, on July 16th, 2024, The Black Panther Housing Development was completed, delivering 79 units of 100% very low-income housing to formerly incarcerated men and women and their families, to name a few.

Despite our efforts, South Berkeley continues to be overlooked.
What does our community need to improve itself? I believe South Berkeley needs an advocate who keeps the needs of South Berkeley residents and businesses front and center in the council members' minds. I am the Advocate who will lead Berkeley to take action to support South Berkeley and not observe its continued decline in economic investment along our Adeline Corridor and public safety in our neighborhoods. I have been that Advocate for 30 years and now want to up my leadership to serve as your Council Member. As a leading voice, I am committed to delivering  Low-Income and Missing Middle-Income Housing throughout Berkeley. This initiative will add to our housing stock and create opportunities for more affordable homes. I  will also increase our city's efforts to invest in and enrich South Berkeley, celebrating its diversity and welcoming newcomers. Together, we can make South Berkeley the cultural mecca for everyone in our city to experience and enjoy. I assure you that I will not use my official position and time to pursue a higher office. My dedication is unwavering, and it is to our community and the City of Berkeley.

Deborah's Priorities

     Public Safety

     Affordable Housing


     Climate Action

Deborah Matthews is the First African American Woman to serve as President of the Berkeley Democratic Club in its 90-year history. The Honorable Fiona Ma, California State Treasurer, presented Deborah with the State of California Recognition Award.


City of Berkeley, Chair, Zoning Adjustment Board

City of Berkeley, Chair, Housing Advisory  Commission

City of Berkeley, Vice Chair, Planning Commission

Berkeley Democratic Club, President

South Berkeley Now! Co-Founder

EAH Housing California & Hawaii, Advisory Council 

UC Berkeley, Wesley Foundation Housing, Board of Directors

Berkeley Cooperative Federal Credit Union, Board of Directors

Downtown Berkeley YMCA, Board of Directors

Oakland And the World Enterprises, Board of Directors

Merritt College, Department of Real Estate, Lecturer

Liveable Berkeley Board of Directors

Berkeley, Community for a Cultural Civic Center Group

The Suitcase Clinic, Chef for Unhoused

Black Panther Housing, Co-Developer 1670 Seventh Street, Oakland, California, 94607

CitiSport Berkeley, 3100 San Pablo Ave # 110 Berkeley, CA 94702 

The Ed Roberts Campus, 3075 Adeline, Suite 105, Berkeley, CA 94703

Thai Temple Every Sunday Community Meal, 1911 Russell Street, Berkeley, CA 94703

Berkeley Bowl West Cafe, 920 Heinz Ave, Berkeley, CA 94710

The Dwight Apartments, 2121 Dwight Berkeley, CA 94704  

Sacramento Senior Homes, 2517 Sacramento St, Berkeley, CA 94702

Bayer Corporation, 800 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA 94710

Congregation Beth El, 1301 Oxford St, Berkeley, CA 94709

Hotel Shattuck Plaza, 2086 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94704

Parker Place Berkeley, 2038 Parker Street Berkeley, CA 94704

Parker Street Cooperative, 2335-2341 Parker Street Berkeley, CA 94704

Berkeley Fire Station #7  3000 Shasta Rd, Berkeley, CA 94708

7-Eleven convenience store corner of University & San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA 94702 

Roses on Adeline, 3218 Adeline St, Berkeley, CA 94703

Lemat Ethiopian Restaurant, 3212 Adeline St, Berkeley, CA 94703

Bio Fuel Oasis, 1441 Ashby Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702

The Fat Fish, 3221 Adeline St, Berkeley, CA 94703


A Tree Berkeley

Deborah Matthews


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Paid for By Deborah Matthews for Council 2024, FPPC #1469069 

Deborah Matthews For Berkeley Council 2024  may update or modify any information on this website as deemed necessary for this campaign.

2124 Kittredge St. Suite #31 

Berkeley, CA 94704

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